18.4 Cumulative Function

The option called cumulative function calculates the mean values over a pixel and a specified buffer areas around it. The dimension defines the number of pixels in each direction over which the mean values are calculated. The cumulative function has no dependencies.


Figure 58: Graphical explanation of the Cumulative Function with one dimension for one pixel

Multiple application of the cumulative function leads to a relative weighting of the sourounding pixels according to their proximity.


Figure 59: Graphical explanation of the multiple application of the Cumulative Function with one dimension

Open the function settings dialog by double-clicking at the Option icon at the file tree.

18.4.1 The Cumulative Function Settings Dialog

Within the cumulative function settings dialog the dimensions can be set and equal the number of pixels in each direction over which the mean values are calculated. NODATA values are dismissed from the calculation.


Figure 60: Cumulative function settings dialog